Breeders Scheme

At the recent member’s weekend, we had a quick presentation about the new Breeder’s Scheme.

In short, we have a lot of talented fish breeders in our membership and it’s about time we started to give credit for all the hard work people put into conditioning their fish and getting the water quality just right to encourage their fish to breed. And let’s face it… there is a lot of very fussy and difficult fish bred between our members.

The idea is that a form is filled out after you have bred a species and these will form the basis of future Labyrinth Magazine articles as well as building up Breeder’s Points. The AAGB member with the most points gathered before the next Spring Member’s Weekend will receive a certificate and a trophy.

There will also be attention given to members for their species getting a “First Time Bred”. Due to the fact, this is a brand new scheme…everything will be a first time bred…as long as you get in there quickly!!!

The form is a single side of A4 and is not too difficult to fill out. The forms are available from Colin Dunlop and can be sent to your email address. Completed forms can be emailed back, or snail mail if you prefer.


For more information or questions send us a message